A Text From An Old Flame

I think we all have “the one that got away” people in our past, right? Well, I definitely do. He was the guy that I was head over heels for but he did not feel the same. I mean, he cared about me and we had a bond, but my deep feelings were not mutual.

Eventually, I moved on but I apparently never completely let go of the fantasy.

I’m telling you this so you get the significance of what happened recently.

Should I Share This?

I debated whether to post this. Because I wrote it about six months ago but didn’t get around to sharing it. Unfortunately, between then and now, the “subject” of my story passed away. I (like many others) was heartbroken by the news. And it turned this awkward interaction into a moment that I am now grateful that I got to have.

So here is my embarrassing story!

We Fell Out Of Touch

Around a year ago, we briefly texted back and forth when I reached out to check on him after hearing about an illness. But, before that, it had been years.

Until seven months ago.

I Got A Text

My husband, Brian, and I were in the car and I got a text from the guy.

I looked at my phone and saw a picture of a cat. I didn’t know what to make of it so I sent back “Meow meow kitty” which is something that he used to always so. But feeling silly, I then added, “Is this your cat?”

He said it was his cat and that she was the reason that he wouldn’t have another pet because it hurt too much when she passed.

I was stunned. Why did he text me about this? Brian said that maybe he just wanted to tell someone who would get it. Which I definitely do. But it was still strange.

I Needed A Second Opinion

I then texted my friend who had been there for the whole saga and she reacted just like I thought she would. She is the ultimate hype girl and was totally excited that he texted me. Because, like I said, she was there for all the fun and all the angst.

She said that after all these years, I finally had validation (that he cared) because he wanted to talk to me about it and I was still on his mind. I didn’t think that mattered anymore but apparently it did.

Me – “Hmm, I guess I did.”

She was soon sending a stream of excited texts and I was loving the idea that I was still in his thoughts. (Even though, I’m happily married! 🤣)

But, when I sent back this text, it all changed.

Me – “She looks like she was a sweet kitty.”

The guy – “She really was. I messaged you by accident but I’m glad you got to see her.”

Thud. Omg.

I called my friend who answered, immediately. She started to verbally continue what she had been texting me.

I interrupted her to tell her the punchline….he didn’t mean to text me at all.

How Embarrassing

I wasn’t upset, I was hysterical. I mean, I have been married for 20 years. I have four kids. I’m truly happy. But I immediately went down the emotional rabbit hole with one text. 😂😂

Brian who is a bit of a hype man himself said he didn’t buy that it was a mistake. Man, I would have been crazy jealous if Brian was gushing over an old flame. But Brian was focused on helping me save face. ha!

It was such a cheesy sitcom moment. And if you’re wondering if I stalked his facebook after to find out if there is another Emily who he may have meant to text, yes, yes, I did.😀 (There are two, dang it, harumph.)

All I can say is that I will never, ever forget that cat.

You Will Be Missed

Rest in peace, Cooper. You were one of a kind. Thank you for giving me one last “thrill” before you left this world. Also, I hate that this world doesn’t have you in it anymore.

But, to end this on the light note that was originally intended, let this be a lesson to you, people! Double check before you send that text, you could be creating a whole lot of drama! 😆

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