What Happens At A Science Fiction Convention?

I’ve been going to conventions for years. I used to hear them referred to as sci-fi conventions but really, it’s more than sci-fi. It’s about pop culture, fashion, history, movies, tv shows and just about everything else you can think of. And one of the hardest things has always been trying to explain to others what the heck these things called conventions are.

Think about something you are into. It could be music, philosophy, religion, or anything else that makes your heart happy. Now imagine a place where thousands of people come together to celebrate the same passion. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Wouldn’t it just make you feel a little less alone in this big world?

Well, that’s what a convention is like, with an extra geeky vibe. And as we all know, we nerdy, geeky folks sometimes get a bad rap. We are the butt of jokes and we are mocked for our obsessions of tv shows, movies, robots, etc. Now this is not across the board. There are plenty of people who don’t judge and just accept without “getting it.” And that’s ok. But it’s also why these events are so important to us. It’s a period of time when we don’t have to explain anything to anyone and we can just be as nerdy as we want.

So what are some things you will see at a convention?


One of the highlights is the chance to meet and greet with celebrities. There will be actors, authors and artists. You can get an autograph or maybe a picture. You also have the opportunity to have one moment with your favorite actor and that’s a memory that stays with you.

Here are a few of my favorite memories!

  • Robert Englund (Freddy Kreuger) telling my kids “Don’t fall asleep.”
  • Luke Perry (Dylan from 90210) telling my son who was dressed up as Darth Vader – “I think you’re my father.”
  • Steve Burns (Blue’s Clues) telling me I looked awesome in my Steve themed outfit.
Woman posing with Barry Bostwick.
Me and Barry Bostwick!

Panels and workshops

Most of the celebrity guests will do a q & a panel. There will also be fan run panels about various topics. Cosplaying over 40, Star Trek vs Star Wars, and Favorite Doctor Who guest stars are just a few that I recall seeing in a con schedule, recently. Sometimes you will also find a robot building workshop. There truly is something for everyone.


One of my personal favorites is the Cosplay! Cosplay is basically a fancy way of saying “we put on a costume.” But, the goal is to emulate the character more than a typical costume. It is both a noun and a verb. I like to cosplay and I also have a Flash cosplay. Check out my Cosplay post for tips!

Woman cosplaying as The Flash

Most cons have costume contests and if you go to DragonCon, you definitely don’t want to miss the parade!

A father and two sons walking in a parade cosplaying as the Men In Black
Storm Troopers walking in a parade

Dealers Room and Artist Alley

Make sure to bring money to spend on the things that you desperately need, even though you might not have known they existed. Do you like books? There will be books. Do you like art? There will be lots of art. Do you like Care Bears? They will be there. Do you like random candles with Buffy on them? Oh, there will definitely be some of those!

A candle with Buffy The Vampire on it.


There are tons of options for gaming. Depending on the con, you might find a space to play video games, both current and old school. There will opportunities to play table-top and role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons or Magic, The Gathering.

Parties, Concerts, and Nightlife

At night-time, you might find an after-party, a band, or a burlesque show. And if you’re lucky, you will have an opportunity to see Aurelio Voltaire!

These days, I never manage to stay up for any of the night-time activities, but I’m told they are still a good time. 😉

If you are considering going to a comic con type convention, I hope this gives you an idea of what to expect. And if you never have any intention of going to one because it’s just not your thing, that’s cool. But I hope it gives you an idea of why we go.😁

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