Did I Give Birth To My Adopted Son?

I was laying in bed, this morning, wishing I could fall back to sleep. And I started randomly thinking about how my son wants to be called Will but Brian and I still insist on calling him William. Well, not insist. I mean, I have tried to switch but it never sticks. So instead, I try to remember to introduce him as Will but when I’m bellowing up the stairs for him, it’s always “William!!” Spoiler alert: I rarely remember to introduce him as Will.

Anyway, back to my stream of consciousness mind wanderings. As I was thinking about it, I actually thought to myself…”I birthed him, I will call him whatever I want!”

Wait, what, brain??

We didn’t birth him! In fact, we didn’t even meet him until he was five years old!

Young boy on a bike

Literally Fooling Myself

So the bottom line is that I had an early morning epiphany. Well, re-ephipany, actually. Because I already knew I loved him and that I didn’t think of him as my “adopted” son, just my son. But the fact that I actually forgot for a moment that he is not mine biologically was extra impressive. And kind of funny.

My mom (who had a rough labor with me) used to say that you forget the pain once you see your baby. That may be true, to a certain degree but I don’t think this is exactly what she meant. Haha!

Wholesome Thoughts

So there you have it! This is your wholesome for this Friday morning! And it is an answer to the question that I have answered before. Will your adopted son feel like yours?

Yes, a thousand times, yes!

No matter what name you call them.

7 thoughts on “Did I Give Birth To My Adopted Son?

    1. Haha! I figured! I think she was trying to make me feel better but the amount of times that I heard the story made it clear that she remembered. 🤣 Although, her biggest memories involved how impatient the nurses were (yelling at her to hurry!) so I guess that distracted her. 🤷‍♀️🤪

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  1. Hilarious! I used to do that too…I wonder if she inherited such-and-such…and then remembered we weren’t genetically related! He he..and you know what? I still do it with the grandkids !


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