The Challenges Of Paying For College

So I’m going to school on-line at UNF. At least, I think I am! I do know that I’m enrolled at the moment. But it could blow up in my face any moment.

Ok, here’s my story!

One of the challenges for getting my BA, besides my ridiculous lack of motivation, has always been money. My wonderful parents were more than willing to help me and did but I was young and stupid so I just messed it up every time. But, now I’m older and wiser, as they say. And wow, job hunting and seeing all the jobs that I could totally do but wouldn’t be considered for because I didn’t have my BA; that made me realize how much I needed to get it done. And since I’m at a point in my life where I actually enjoy learning stuff, it’s perfect timing.

But It Wasn’t Perfect Timing

Did you know that there is a federal law called the SAP rule that will prohibit a person from getting financial aid if they either had bad grades or exceeded a certain period of time to get your degree (180% the time of the published degree)? I get the grades thing but the other rule doesn’t exactly encourage people to go back to school and finally finish.

Anyway, unaware of this, I applied for financial aid and was told I was qualified. I then spoke with my advisor, made a plan and got registered for classes. I waited and waited for my official financial aid award. I tried and tried to get hold of someone at the office. When I finally did, I learned about the SAP rule. And although, I didn’t completely get it, I get that it will make it hard for me to finish.

I was told that I could appeal and I did. Not really understanding, in my letter, I focused on why I didn’t succeed when I was younger. And since I didn’t have “supporting documentation” to verify that I was young and stupid, I asked a friend to write a letter on my behalf. I submitted everything and crossed my fingers that they would agree that I should be allowed to get financial aid.

I Got This!

I felt optimistic and thought this was just some red tape to get through because surely, they weren’t looking for a reason to say no. Apparently, they were!

I got the email that my appeal had been rejected. But it also said that I could appeal to one other place. But that answer would be the final word.

This time, I decided that I better focus more on the length of time and tried to come up with a reasonable reason for not finishing sooner. As I was trying to figure all of this out, the payment deadline passed and I was suddenly dropped from all of my classes.

I was devastated. It was looking like I would be doing school on my own (financially) and since we could only pay for maybe a class each semester, it could take years, instead of two semesters.

Then, I saw that I could get myself reinstated (with a $200 fee for the privilege) and I could split the tuition payments. Desperate and impulsive, I immediately made a payment to get my classes back. But that payment didn’t go through because I forgot about the delay in paychecks because of Labor Day…. (Oh, Emily)

Honestly, it was kind of a blessing because I could not afford it anyway.

I’m Gonna Ask You Again, UNF!

Meanwhile, I wrote a two page letter, detailing my adult life and all the reasons that I couldn’t go back sooner. I included adoption papers, emails with my kids’ counselors and even my father’s death certificate. Basically, anything I could think of. And I submitted the appeal. My last chance.

Keeping Up Appearances

So, here I am on a Saturday afternoon, doing my homework for a class that I might be dropped from in a couple of days. My hope is that they won’t drop me again until they have made a decision on the appeal which will give me time to figure something else out. 🤪 We will see.

The whole thing feels ridiculous and chaotic. I currently have A’s in my classes but it might blow up in my face in a matter of days. But still I am proud of myself (well, with the exception of my inability to pay attention to the calendar and payday schedules, haha)

I tried. I really tried. That counts for something.

Here’s hoping it counts for an education.

3 thoughts on “The Challenges Of Paying For College

  1. Wow, Emily – who’d have thought it would be so difficult? Best of luck in seeing it through and kudos to you for your perseverance. They likely count on people giving up.


  2. Omg what a huge pain in the butt and you’re trying to do something good! Keep up the fight! There’s got to be more aid out there if it does fall through.
    I had to pay for my college so I applied to EVERYTHING. Some of my scholarships were for $50 lol. But it all added up.
    Good luck!
    And you’re forgetting to include at least 2 internal blog links!! Lol


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