Week Recap: It’s Wet In Florida

How was everyone’s week? This is another #weekendcoffeeshare hosted by Natalie the Explorer Natalie the Explorer!

It’s been dark and rainy here in Jacksonville but on the upside, it hasn’t been as hot.

A picture of a dark and stormy sky.

Internet Trolls Beware

I wish I had something new to say but we have been busy preparing to film our movie. Four days before filming is set to start, our main actress had to drop out. But with some major finangling, we are still going to pull it off. Brian adjusted roles, changed genders of a detective and managed to get the roles filled. Pretty impressive!

We are @thetrollhuntermovie on instagram if anyone wants to follow! I just started it and it would be great for our egos. 🤪

Pet Of The Week

Since I have a shocking amount of animals (you’ll see), I thought it might be fun to do a pet of the week!

So this is Speedy! He is a Red Eared Slider turtle. I have had him since he was an itty bitty baby and he is now a full grown boy. I actually think he might be a girl but I thought he was a boy for so long that it’s hard to remember. I don’t think he really cares, as long as he gets fed.

Red Eared Slider turtle

Turtles have a lot of personality and absolutely recognize specific people. They can live up to 30 years. Speedy is about 21 years old so thankfully, I’ve got some more time with him. ❤️😊

Well, I hope everyone has had a good week! I would love to hear about what you’re up to!

5 thoughts on “Week Recap: It’s Wet In Florida

    1. Thanks! I couldn’t resist the name. 😁 The irony is we later found out that he is shockingly fast on land, haha. When the kids were little, we also had a tortoise and we decided to have a race. I expected them both to walk comically slowly but Speedy ran across the floor. 😮😆

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